标题: ✍️13 TRICKS ANDTIPS YOU WON'T BELIEVE IS IN THE FEATURES OF GOGGLE MAP [打印本页] 作者: Abu_harib 时间: 2019-05-07 17:14 标题: ✍️13 TRICKS ANDTIPS YOU WON'T BELIEVE IS IN THE FEATURES OF GOGGLE MAP [img src="/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Screenshots/IMG_20190507_100422_776.jpg"][br][br]It’s hard to imagine life without Google Maps. Memorizing routes and printing out driving directions seems like a distant memory in a world where a detailed map of any location is available at a moment's notice. Still, you could be using it more. Google’s popular software is packed with secrets, tricks, and Easter eggs beyond what you might expect. Ahead of the popular tool's [a href="https://qz.com/1272717/google-i-o-2018-heres-everything-that-was-announced-in-the-keynote-speech/"]update[/a] later this year, here are 13 ways to get the most out of Google Maps, from one-handed use to offline location tracking.[br][br]1. CHECK WAIT TIMES AT YOUR FAVORITE RESTAURANT[br][br]Before you head out for dinner, use Google Maps to see if you’re about to waste an hour standing in line. Just search for the name of the restaurant on your desktop browser or in Google Maps for iOS and Android. Then, scroll down to the Popular Times chart and select a specific time. There, you'll see how long the wait usually is at that time and make your plans accordingly.[br][br]2. SEE HOW STEEP YOUR BIKE RIDE WILL BE [br][br]There’s nothing worse than unexpectedly hitting a big hill while riding your bike. Next time, plug your route into Google Maps and ask for biking directions. You’ll see a graph that shows the steepness of each part of your trip and be able to avoid those big inclines in the future.[br][br]3. ADD MULTIPLE DESTINATIONS TO YOUR TRIP[br][br]Google Maps typically defaults to simple point-A-to-point-B for directions, but it’s easy to add an extra stop to your trip. In a browser, press the “+” icon under your destination. On Android or iOS, tap on the three horizontal dots in the top right corner to pull up a menu and then select “Add stop.”[br][br]4. TRAVEL THROUGH TIME WITH STREET VIEW[br][img src="/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Screenshots/Screenshot_20190507-100444.png"][br][br]Street View is a fun way to explore neighborhoods all over the world, but it’s also [a href="http://mentalfloss.com/article/51904/16-amazing-places-visit-google-street-view"]a treasure trove[/a] of old photos. Just launch Street View in your browser and click on the clock-shaped icon in the top left corner. From there, you can browse through all the pictures Google’s taken over the years for any specific spot.[br][br]5.M EASURABLE DISTANCE[br][br]If you’re using Google Maps in your browser you can easily measure the distance between any two locations. Right click somewhere on the map and select “Measure Distance.” Then, click anywhere else to see how far away it is.[br][br]6. USE GOOGLE MAPS WITHOUT AN INTERNET CONNECTION[br][br]If you’re traveling and you know you won’t have any internet, you can download a map of the area ahead of time. Pull up that location in Google Maps on your phone. Then, open the settings menu and select “Offline maps” to save it. When you arrive, you’ll be able to view the map without any service and even track your location thanks to GPS.[br][br]7. SEE YOUR ENTIRE GOOGLE MAPS HISTORY[br][br]Google Maps tracks you everywhere you go, and you can pull that information up whenever you want. Head to [a href="https://www.google.com/maps/timeline"]this website[/a]to see a detailed map of all the places you’ve ever been. If that creeps you out, you can also click on “Manage Location History” to switch this feature off.[br][br]8. ZOOM IN AND OUT WITH JUST ONE FINGER[br][br]Pinch-to-zoom works fine most of the time, but if you only have one free hand it’s not that easy to do. Thankfully, there’s another option that only requires one free finger: Tap twice on your smartphone screen and then hold your finger down on the spot you want to get a closer look at. Google Maps will zoom in, and from there you can adjust the scale by sliding your finger up and down.[br][br]9. REMEMBER WHERE YOU PARKED YOUR CAR[br][br]The next time you park your car, boot up Google Maps and tap on the blue dot that shows your location. When a menu pops up, select “Set as parking location” to leave a marker on your map for later so you can easily find your car when you’re ready to leave.[br][br]10. TURN THE STREET VIEW ICON INTO A UFO[br][br]If you want to have a little fun with Pegman, the yellow Street View figure, just search for Area 51 in Google Maps. Then, grab the man-shaped icon and hover it over the map to make him transform into a flying saucer.[br][br]11. SHARE YOUR LOCATION WITH FRIENDS[br][br]If you’re meeting a friend, this feature makes it easy for them to track you down. Open Google Maps on iOS or Android and pull up the options menu (located in the top left corner) and select “Location sharing.” From here you can decide how long to reveal your location and who to share it with.[br][br]12. MAKE A LIST OF YOUR FAVORITE SPOTS.[br][br]Google Maps makes it easy to store all your favorite restaurants (or parks or book stores) in one spot. Tap on a location and hit “Save.” Then, select “New list” and give it a name. Now, you can add new locations to your existing lists. You can also share lists with friends, and they’re even accessible when you’re offline.[br][br]13. CHECK OUT SKI ROUTES.[br][br]Google Maps has information on almost 100 ski routes from across the United States and Canada. Head to [a href="https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?msa=0&mid=1ZE_JRmL_EVcTbPiXcD5bqEoLDac&ll=47.672470925237434%2C-96.17345649999999&z=3"]this webpage[/a]to start planning your next ski trip.[br][br]
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