Recover Deleted Text Messages Using iTunes[br][br]If you regularly sync your iPhone with your PC or Mac, iTunes should have a backup available from each time you synced it, unless you turned off the feature to automatically sync your iPhone with your computer. If you really want to get that text message back and you’ve been backing your iPhone up to your computer, then you can likely retrieve it using a recent backup.[br][br]This method erases the data currently on your iPhone and replaces it with a snapshot of the data that was on your iPhone the last time you backed it up. If you aren’t comfortable doing this, you may wish to try another method.[br][br][ul][li]Connect your iPhone to your computer using an appropriate cable.[br][/li][/ul][ul][li]Your iPhone may ask you to unlock it. If it does, go ahead and do so.[br][/li][/ul][ul][li]iTunes should automatically open. If it doesn’t for some reason, open it manually on your computer.[br][/li][/ul][ul][li]You should see your iPhone appear. If iTunes has opened to the iTunes Store and it’s hard to find your iPhone, you will find a small icon for your iPhone just below and to the right of the Play button. Select it.[br][/li][/ul][ul][li]In the Backups section on the right-hand side of your screen, you should see options to manually back up and restore your iPhone, along with the date and method of your most recent backup. Select Restore Backup if you wish to proceed[img src="https://www.lifewire.com/thmb/Sqv4zul6F5c2TvNsSDAa6HF8GzY=/1340x746/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/002_recover-deleted-text-messages-on-any-phone-4172567-5c86cb3146e0fb00010f112e.jpg"][br][/li][/ul][ul][li]All of the data on your phone will now be replaced by the most recent backup. The process will take a while. You should see your missing text messages begin appearing, provided your most recent backup took place before they were deleted.[br][/li][/ul] |