[br]The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is an
[br]industry-standard suite of protocols designed to be routable, robust,
[br]and functionally efficient. TCP/IP was originally designed as a set of
[br]wide area network (WAN) protocols for the express purpose of
[br]maintaining communication links and data transfer between sites in
[br]the event of an atomic or nuclear war. Since those early days, devel-
[br]opment of the protocols has passed from the hands of the military
[br]and has been the responsibility of the Internet community.
[br]The evolution of these protocols from a small, four-site project into
[br]the foundation of the worldwide Internet has been extraordinary.
[br]And, despite more than 25 years of work and numerous modifica-
[br]tions to the protocol suite, the ideas inherent to the original specifi-
[br]cations are still intact. Following are some of the advantages of
[br]TCP/IP: |